The Exam Guide


Technology certification books are always boring, exhausting to read, and rarely equip you with knowledge beyond academic knowledge. Having passed 14 certifications, I know this first-hand. So I decided to take a different route while I wrote this book and thought about all of the things I personally want to see out of a book.

  1. I want to pass the Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect exam and get certified

  2. I want to be able to articulate the concepts with technical stakeholders

  3. I want to become a stronger leader, and build the non-technical understanding of the profession to be able to influence and inspire others

  4. I want to hear real-world stories, examples, and leverage that insight in my profession

  5. So what? What’s so important about this? Morally, ethically, and how this impacts the world.

So with that, I wrote this book starting from scratch. Throughout the book, it’s littered with philosophy, stories, technical education — real examples and real experience directly from a Googler. I also cover where the industry started, where we are today, using evolutionary history to break down these concepts into simple analogies.

This book starts from zero — from signing up for your Google Cloud account to architecting and governing a large enterprise Cloud environment.

So that being said, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this new approach to creating technology certification books. My goal is to help you land the top-paying certification, and give you the knowledge to do well in your jobs, interviews, and beyond — in an effort to help you grow and be able to share that knowledge with the world.

Pre-order your copy today.


Top-paying IT Certifications

Source: Global Knowledge
