Reflecting on Dr.King


Equal opportunity =/= The American Dream.

Imagine you’re a parent of two children, one blood and one adopted.

You’ve spent a lot of time with your blood child. Practice, school events, quality nutrition — you nurtured the best environment for your child to grow, be loved, and be their best.

Your step child gets none of that, and gets punishment.

Finally you realize this is a mistake and decide to treat them equally.

Do you think your step child is suddenly going to thrive the same as the other?

Generations of trauma, crumbling infrastructure that was built to oppress, and then continuous policing & punishment...

— it’s going to take an INVESTMENT now.

1️⃣ #Equality is treating all your children equally.
2️⃣ #Equity is ensuring you’re seeking out opportunities to uplevel your neglected child.
3️⃣ #Justice is ensuring that you’re seeking out & eliminating the systems that have held your child back.

Dr. King’s dream of a future has been misinterpreted as an ask for equal opportunity.

In reality, it’s a plea for Equality, Equity, and Justice.

Thank you Dr. King for paving the way for an equal future for everyone who is marginalized. African Americans, people of color, women, LGBT+, and beyond.

This is the true American Dream. This is why #BlackLivesMatter

Iman Ghanizada

Iman is an Author & Cloud Security Dude at Google Cloud.

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