Make your perception a reality.

Make your perception a reality.

There are 10 days left in 2020. This year has been one of the most difficult years for people all over the world.

Next year is just a modification to one number on the Date column. Thing’s wont change magically.

But you can control your perception.

Take these 10 days to reflect on all the incredible things you’ve done this year.

You survived a pandemic.

You stepped up to take care of your family.

You readjusted to debilitating market conditions, joblessness, and financial troubles.

You fell apart countless times and got back up.

You faced deeply rooted relationship issues with your loved ones head on with no office to escape to.

You sacrificed your personal freedom for the sake of others.

You lost someone close to you, but still carry their energy forward in this world.

You wept. You battled depression. You worked harder than ever, even if you lost your job.

Our perception of 2020 can set the stage for 2021. Let’s work together on bringing eachother up and keeping this positive energy through next year.

Make your perception a reality. #hope

Iman Ghanizada

Iman is an Author & Cloud Security Dude at Google Cloud.

Grateful ending 2020


Being an author only requires your voice, your time, *and Google Docs.